The following Conditions are related to Tiredness

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  • Colitis, ulcerative

    Currently, there is no cure available for Ulcerative colitis. Ulcerative Colitis is a type of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) that results in colon inflammation. Even though there is no cure, there are various promising treatment options available to treat the symptoms, including,Medications – Medications are used to suppress the inflammation of the colon and heal the tissues over time. It also effec  Read More

  • Glycogenosis type iv

    Normally, this glycogen storage disease type IV is caused due to mutations in the GBE1 gene, an important glycogen branching enzyme. This enzyme is responsible for producing glycogen, a major energy source. It results from abnormal functioning of the enzyme, which accelerates glycogen metabolism. In general, glycogen storage disorder is an autosomal recessive trait. Parents who are close relatives o  Read More

  • Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus

    As this disease is hereditary, risk begins from the defected male gene, which can pass through women in their children. Infants are usually born with Nephrogenic Diabetes due to hereditary mutations of genes from parents. Problems with a part of your brain that controls thirst can also cause diabetes insipidus Certain chronic diseases and drugs for the same given during the first few months lead to this form  Read More