About juxtaglomerular hyperplasia
What is juxtaglomerular hyperplasia?
Bartter's syndrome (BS) is a group of conditions involving enlargement of certain kidney cells, blood that is more alkaline than normal, high levels of potassium and chloride in the urine, loss of potassium from the kidneys (renal potassium wasting), dehydration, muscle weakness, muscle cramps, frequent urination, and growth deficiency, potentially resulting in dwarfism. It is thought to be caused by a defect in the body's ability to reabsorb potassium. Individuals with Bartter syndrome have a disturbed acid-base ratio (i.e., an accumulation of base or loss of acid) associated with a loss of potassium (hypokalemic alkalosis). Low amounts of potassium may result from overproduction of a certain hormone (aldosterone) that is essential in controlling blood pressure and regulating sodium and potassium levels (hyperaldosteronism). Even so, the blood pressure of people with Bartter syndrome is normal.
What are the symptoms for juxtaglomerular hyperplasia?
Dehydration symptom was found in the juxtaglomerular hyperplasia condition
Juxtaglomerular hyperplasia is a new syndrome characterized by hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the juxtaglomerular apparatus of the kidneys, aldosteronism that results from adrenal cortical hyperplasia, and consistently normal blood pressure. Here, the aldosterone is overproduced, which has a strong impairment of urinary concentration ability.
- In this condition, the circulating angiotensin starts getting increasing, which gives rise to higher blood pressure.
- The condition creates an imbalance of potassium, chloride, sodium, and many other related molecules in the patient’s body.
- In hyperplasia of the juxtaglomerular apparatus, renin synthesis is stimulated, which increases the renin secretion that activates the renal baroreceptor mechanism.
- This mechanism leads to salt depletion, dehydration, high blood pressure, hypotension, etc.
- However, you need to note that the intense use of RAS inhibitors and diuretics in IgAN patients can develop juxtaglomerular hyperplasia without showing symptoms of dehydration and hypotension.
- Apart from these, the patient associated with juxtaglomerular hyperplasia may experience fatigue, weakness, cramping, spasms, constipation, vomiting, excessive urination, etc. However, please that, the signs and symptoms may differ from person to person depending on various factors such as age, health condition, etc.
What are the causes for juxtaglomerular hyperplasia?
According to the clinical researches, hyperplasia of the juxtaglomerular apparatus is developed due to renin secretion and renin synthesis.
- Some research also shows that the people associated with this condition were also being diagnosed by IgAN or being treated with supramaximal of various drugs such as ARB, DRI, a diuretic, etc.
- Some cases have reportedly shown the presence of massive proteinuria and along with the occurrence of steroid-induced diabetes.
- It is also suspected that the cause of this condition may be the increase in the total number of JGA cells in the respective area.
- In some cases, it is said that hyperplasia of the juxtaglomerular apparatus is caused because of recessive genetic mutations.
- On the other hand, in some cases, it is said to be caused due to reabsorption of salt and mineral in the respective patient’s body.
- It is also caused due to imbalance of potassium, magnesium, calcium, etc., in the patient’s body.
What are the treatments for juxtaglomerular hyperplasia?
The treatment of this syndrome may vary for everyone depending on the signs and symptoms of the respective patient.
- Research shows that there is no cure for this condition; however, the research still continues.
- Even though there’s no permanent cure for the same, the condition can be treated to reduce its seriousness of the same.
- The treatments include the involvement of kidney specialists, neurologists, psychologists, etc.
- The treatments also include controlling the blood pressure, restoring the balance of various minerals in the body, reducing dehydration, providing psychological support to the patient, reducing salt deficiency, etc.
- In addition, doctors may suggest the intake of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID).
- If there is a sudden break in any kind of these treatments, it could lead to hypertension, and salt reduction.
What are the risk factors for juxtaglomerular hyperplasia?
This condition is mainly caused due to genetic mutations.
- These gene mutations in the condition result in the abnormal functioning of ion channels or proteins that are involved in the process of transferring electrolytes into the bloodstream. This, in turn, causes too much salt to be passed from the urinary tract.
- Hence the proper balance of the electrolytes in the body is disrupted, which is crucial for the normal functioning of the body.
- In some cases, this disorder may cause polyhydramnios which is an excessive amount of fluid surrounding the fetus. This might increase the risk of premature birth.
Is there a cure/medications for juxtaglomerular hyperplasia?
There is no cure for this disorder currently and it is a lifelong condition.
- However, certain medications will prove to be helpful in dealing with the symptoms and improving lifestyle.
- Treatment of Barrter syndrome mainly involves restoring the proper balance of sodium and potassium.
- With the help of potassium chloride supplementation, the imbalance in electrolytes can be solved.
- With increasing age, this condition gets easier to handle and manage.
- The most difficulty with this condition is seen in the early stages and the first years of life.
- Medications for Juxtaglomerular hyperplasia include Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories and diuretics (NSAIDs), Indomethacin, Celecoxib, Ibuprofen, Spironolactone, Amiloride, RAAS inhibitors, ACE inhibitors, Certain treatments also include hormone therapy, cochlear implants to treat deafness due to this condition.